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May 2020

Carson City man accused of domestic battery, taking phone from victim

A 35-year-old Carson City man was arrested Saturday for multiple offenses including alleged domestic battery, resisting arrest with violence and preventing a victim from calling for help, a sheriff's arrest report states.

Sisolak: Nevada will transition to limited business reopening over next 2 weeks

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Gov. Steve Sisolak announced an “active transition” in the next 15 days toward reopening a moribund economy, giving the ...

Carson City Middle School recognized as Distinguished STEM School

Carson Middle School has been recognized as a Distinguished School for performing an exemplary Project Lead The Way program. Only 176 schools across the country received the top honors for their commitment to student engagement and access.

Red Tail Hawk in the morning

A Red Tail Hawk in the morning over Buzzy's Ranch.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: A short history of Levis

Trousers came into being when it was discovered, before Christ, that hand-to-hand combat was most unpleasant while wearing a robe, not to mention the discomfort endured while riding a horse while wearing a robe.

Sisolak: Pandemic’s pain is only starting for Nevadans, state

Even as cases of the coronavirus begin to level off here, Gov. Steve Sisolak has a sobering message for Nevadans regarding the mounting economic costs of the pandemic for

Carson City, Quad area COVID-19 update Sunday: 1 new case, 4 recoveries

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center in Carson City is reporting Sunday, May 3, 2020 that there is one new positive case and four additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. This brings the total number of cases to 103, with 57 recoveries and one death, 45 cases remain active.

Virginia City aims to rise again: Historic Comstock mining town eager to welcome visitors back

Virginia City, Nev., once a boomtown responsible for producing more than $700 million in mined gold and silver ore from the Comstock Lode, is today primarily driven by tourism. Its main street is lined with mom and pop shops, restaurants and businesses with owners who’ve called this small mountain mining town their home for years.

Nevada Junior Livestock Show starts Monday; will be done through virtual showcase format

Event Date: 
May 4, 2020 (All day)
May 5, 2020 (All day)
May 6, 2020 (All day)
May 7, 2020 (All day)
May 8, 2020 (All day)

RENO — To adapt to the recent restrictions amid COVID-19, the Nevada Junior Livestock Show will hosts its annual livestock show online this Monday through Friday, May 4-8. Youth ages 9-19 throughout the state and parts of California will be judged on their showmanship and knowledge of their chosen animals through videos they submitted online.

Carson City hosts 11th annual Scavenger Hunt in historic district

Event Date: 
May 4, 2020 (All day)
May 11, 2020 (All day)
May 18, 2020 (All day)
May 25, 2020 (All day)

May is Historic Preservation and Archaeological Awareness month. The Carson City Historic Resource Commission is pleased to host the 11th Annual Scavenger Hunt.