December 2009

Grey Day at Black Rock – Sales tax revenues continue their steep plunge

Sales taxes, the mainstay of state and local governments, continued their plunge during the month of September.

Las Vegas seeks its piece of the Chinese pie…

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LV, turning up the marketing heat, hoping to get it’s share of the emerging economic giant of the far east…

Las Vegas Sands: Slump at home, but boom abroad!

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Nevada’s casino figures are looking more like international titans than hometown Nevada boys. You can see where their money is going…

The BLM is getting serious about power transmission lines

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It may not be long before the BLM gives the green light to the start of what may become Nevada’s next great economic boost.

Sen. Reid is judge shopping

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Senator Reid is shopping for a replacement for the republican who wants to unseat Jim Gibbons.

And the drinkers keep on headin’ down the road…

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Another drinker off the road. But for how long?

Carson City appears getting very serious about recycling. Gotta some money in it, somewhere.

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Carson City Supervisors this week exploring “recycling on steriods” as a way of extending the life of the landfill with an added benefit of a revenue stream for city hall.

Gibbons sword fights with legislature….again….

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In yet another seemingly pointless battle of “he say, they say,” Governor Gibbons engages in another argument with legislative leaders over what in fact is a procedural iss

Sen. Ensign cites Reid re-election as reason for not resigning

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Sen. Ensign says he can’t resign and add a race for his seat a distraction from what he calls the number one political goal next November: The defeat of Sen. Harry Reid.

Nevada families slide deeper into a financial black hole…

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While Nevada’s gaming giants turn to overseas markets for expansion, many Nevada families are having to turn to federal bankruptcy courts just to survive…