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Proposed slaughterhouse (opinion)

Event Date: 
November 5, 2021 (All day)

To the Board of Supervisors, I live within a short radius of the proposed slaughterhouse. I’m deeply concerned that it’s being presented to the community as a boutique retail store with a slaughterhouse that will have a minimal impact on the community.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Turning expressions and phrases

Like most people I keep a list of expressions and phrases that I can lay my hands on and bootleg at first opportunity. But then like most people, I never quite get around to employing such an invaluable resource.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Geo-woman has arrived

There will come a time when intermarriage of diverse races will produce a child that nobody can look at and dislike. That time is now, and that child has arrived.

A Moral Issue, 2nd Slaughterhouse Community Meeting (opinion)

Event Date: 
October 16, 2021 (All day)

The following have Appealed the Slaughterhouse. The “Downtown 2020 Group”, “Coalition of Citizens for Peaceful Enjoyment” and Maxine Nietz of Capital City Computing and former Planning Commissioner.

Not only is this a threat to Carson City’s environment, it is a Moral issue.

Re: The approval of the slaughterhouse on Highway 50 (opinion)

Re: The approval of the slaughterhouse on Highway 50. It is unconscionable that the Planning Commission allowed a substantial change to the application and approved this item over the objections of many Carson City citizens. Most of the people in favor of this proposal were from other jurisdictions, including a Douglas County Planning Commissioner (they dis-approved of this item). An additional public hearing was clearly indicated with the changes suggested by the applicant, but the Planning Commission chose to ignore the public. Whom do they answer to?

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: The seventh grade

I used to sometimes remind my son, “The best two things money can buy are the morning paper and flowers for your mother.” When Mac was in seventh grade I would ask him to read an article out of the morning paper before heading off to school, which he did without complaint, sometimes.

A Slaughterhouse Is Not Appropriate for Carson City (Opinion)

We are longtime residents of Carson City and oppose the slaughterhouse approved by the planning commission last week.

Supporters of the project say that our region of Nevada is in need of a slaughterhouse. We have no reason to dispute that. But that does not mean it should be located in Carson City. On the contrary, a slaughterhouse should be placed in a rural part of the region, not a populated urban area.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Erma Bombeck, Julia Childs, Will Rogers and Mark Twain together

Later this month I have the honor of participating in a Chautauqua down in Boulder City, Nevada as Mark Twain alongside Erma Bombeck, Julia Childs and Will Rogers. What a treat, for they are a few of my heroes.

Climate Action, Carbon Pricing and the Budget Reconciliation


If you don’t believe there is a climate crisis, or that we need to take action to reduce the mega-forest fires and catastrophic flooding, you might as well stop reading.  But if you want to substantially reduce the amount of CO2 pollution, the root cause of global warming, which is making fires and floods much worse, read on.

Where's the Beef? (Opinion)

Apparently, on the slaughterhouse floor in our neighborhood. On the Planning Commission's agenda on 9/29 at 5 PM is a proposal to locate a slaughterhouse across the street from our neighborhood -- within sight of our kids' school bus stop, 900 feet from the Villa Sierra Mobile Home Park, and 1,056 feet from the Morgan Mill Road recreational area. Whoa! We’re a-OK with the facility, it’s the location that totally sucks -- it just doesn't seem right to us to have this kind of business in town. We have concerns.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: What is money?

What is money? Money is energy, low wattage energy most of the time, an alternating current that flows back and forth, the emphasis being on the forwarding of good energy. Though to a few, less charitable, money is direct current, money being their god, how to get it their religion.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Tennis anyone?

It was refreshing to see a couple teens vie for this year’s US Open Championship, and see a qualifier win it for the first time ever. Britain’s 18-year-old Emma Raducanu defeated Canada’s 19-year-old Leylah Fernandez, 6-4, 6-3. Happy? As Huckleberry might say, “I reckon not!”

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Thanking firefighters for protecting 'the fairest picture the whole Earth affords'

When the lake we love for its scenic splendor showed up in a photo on the front page of the New York Times with the caption "The lake that Mark Twain once called ‘the fairest picture the whole Earth affords,’ looks and smells like the bottom of an ashtray,” well, that was enough to sink my heart to the very bottom of Lake Tahoe.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Even blue jays know what’s fair

Huckleberry and Emmeline are pet Jays that stop by for breakfast, lunch and Happy Hour. This morning, quite out of the ordinary, they showed up together, and got into a furious fight over a peanut. I had to go out onto the deck and separate them.

Carson City Mayor infringes upon citizens’ rights to be heard (opinion)

Carson City Mayor infringes upon citizens’ rights to be heard

I, Jim Shirk spoke at the Board of Supervisors meeting held on September 2nd.
This is what I said…

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Help is on the way

Perhaps it’s time we recognize the world for what it is, one humongous ventilator, and we’re all on it. The air that we leave to our grandkids will determine their longevity. Remember what our mothers told us, “Cleanliness, Honey, is next to Godliness.” Mom was right, and she still is when it comes to washing our hands and cleaning the air that we breathe.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Gilded Ages of 1873 and 2021

One night over dinner, away back in 1873, the wives of Mark Twain and neighbor Charles Warner challenged the two distinguished authors to collaborate on a book about a sensational murder, and paint that murder with political satire. That challenge was met, and we have The Gilded Age to enjoy today.

Letter: Former host of Good Day Carson explains why the show ended and calls on community leaders

(The former host of Good Day Nevada speaks out about the mistreatment and lack of integrity in the business venture of NGBN.TV and its founder.)

As some of you may know, I was part of a project and show called Good Day Carson, that then turned into Good Day Nevada. I hosted & produced this local show for a year. I was extremely passionate about this show and poured my heart into it every single day.

Attending the Board of Supervisor's Meeting (opinion)

I, Jim Shirk spoke at the Board meeting (August 5.) This is what I said......
Today’s consent agenda this Board will again approve as they do every meeting. They do so, without first discussing how today's total sum of $1,122,700.04 will be spent. The Board should openly discuss all agenda items to disclose to the citizens how their tax dollars are being spent. The consent agenda bypasses citizens’ rights to know.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: That aside, how the heck are you?

When was the last time we checked on the big health picture? How are our kids doing after a year and a half of existing entirely on Drumstick Sundae Cones? Let’s take a look under the hood at some of the social determinants of good health, clean water, good nutrition, safe shelter, subsistence income, those essential elements in avoiding disease. Or should we cover our eyes?

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: The day after

“Remember the Maine,” was the casus belli of advocates for the Spanish American War of 1898. Just as readily, “Remember the Defender,” could become the casus belli of advocates for the Russian – United Kingdom War of 2021. And here’s how it could happen.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: The last wake-up call

In December of 2019 the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ordered the Dutch government to cut the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by the end of 2020. This marked the very first time any nation had been ordered by its own courts to take action against climate change.

Tamarack Fire threatens Toxic Superfund Site (opinion)

Why is nobody sounding the alarm? The raging Tamarack Fire is quickly approaching the Leviathan Mine Toxic Superfund Site. As of writing the fire is within 1 mile of the EPA toxic site. In the foothills above Holbrook Junction sits the open pit mine. It was described in the Reno Gazette-Journal as "a toxic stew of acid and dissolved heavy metals [that have]collected at the 250-acre site for half a century and polluted streams in the upper Carson River basin." "making the Superfund list of the country’s most polluted sites".

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: Emperor Norton, Bummer and Lazarus

Emperor Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico was San Francisco’s first eccentric citizen of notoriety. As a commodities trader of 1859, whose rice deal went bell-up, Joshua Abraham Norton proclaimed himself to be nobility and adorned himself in outlandish military attire, including epaulets and stovepipe hat that boasted a single imperial ostrich feather.

Get to know your School Board (opinion)

Event Date: 
July 27, 2021 - 7:00pm

Did you know that School Board approved the Fall School Reopening Plan at their July 13th meeting? Did you see the Reopening Plan?

Hear about other policies governing School District operations, curriculum revisions, teaching standards, safety, budget or teacher's professional training at the bi-monthly school board meetings, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at the Robert Crowell Board Room, Community Center, 851 E William Street, Carson City. Next meetings are on July 27th, Aug 10th, Aug 24th, Sept 14th, Sept 28th. Mark your calendars.

Recent VHR and TOT Administration in Douglas County is Disorganized and Troublesome (opinion)

On July 15, 2021, Douglas County implemented a revised VHR permit ordinance. Sweeping changes affected approximately 500 to 600 second homeowners in the county and an indeterminate number of bad apple real estate investors running wildcat hotels. “Heads in beds” and occupancy tax revenues support the Tahoe-Reno region. However, this county action is not a balance of Tourism Rules vs. Distressed Residents, but indication of poor local government administration and possible conflict of interest of those enlisted to support enforcement.

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: I’m so lonesome I could die

The pandemic split our country open like a ripe watermelon. I got so lonesome sometimes I could hug Casper the Ghost. Presently I’m reading our Surgeon General’s book, Together, and in it Dr. Murthy reveals that, “People with strong social relationships are 50 percent less likely to die prematurely than people with weak social relationships.” And too, “Loneliness is a built-in reminder that we are stronger together.”

Quote of Note

Event Date: 
July 8, 2021 (All day)

I think people in power have a vested interest to oppose critical thinking.
— Carl Sagan

Pine Nuts with McAvoy Layne: She fell two miles and lived

On Christmas Eve of 50 years ago, 17 year old Juliane Diller was seated comfortably next to her mother aboard an 86-passenger turboprop bound for Pucallpa, Peru, when they flew into a thunderstorm. Storage bins started flying open, spilling their Christmas contents across isles into laps. A bolt of lightening struck a wing and the plane started to break apart.

Column: An American Love Letter

Dear America, It's been so long since I've written to you.

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