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United States

Try peach ice cream with perfect farmers market peaches

This week United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack proclaimed August 7-13, 2011, as National Farmers Market Week. Saturday at the downtown 3rd & Curry Streets Farmers Market, Mayor Bob...

Nevada State Museum presents 'Early Frontier Baseball'

Curator of History, Robert Nylen presents Early Frontier Baseball, at the Nevada State Museum Thursday, August 18, 2011, from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Note: this lecture is presented one week early due to the coin show.

Nevada Rates Poorly Among States In Latest Entrepreneurship Index

CARSON CITY – Nevada finds itself at the bottom of another economic analysis, this one related to entrepreneurial activity.
The State Entrepreneurship Index, a nationwide analysis and ranking system that shows how states compare in areas of business formation, patents and related activities, shows Nevada dropping a major 40 spots, from 7th in 2008 to 47 in the newest rankings released in July but using mostly 2010 data.

Final reminder of special sage grouse hunt applications

By the Nevada Department of Wildlife
This is a final reminder that applications for the 2011 Special Sage Grouse Hunt at Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) are now available on the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) website at ndow.org/hunt/apps/.
The Sheldon hunt will be open for two weekends Sept. 17-18 and Sept. 24-25. This is a permitted hunt, with 75 permits awarded by random draw available for each hunt by reservation only.
The hunt is open to both residents and nonresidents.

Scenes from Carson's National Night Out

The National Night Out was started in 1984 by the National Association of Town Watch, a national crime prevention organization. The goal was to give the United States a "night out against crime." Over 15,500 communities nationwide participate in the National Night Out program, with large-scale celebrations such as the one Carson City has every year, and smaller-scale ones involving demonstrations, block parties, and citizens being urged to leave their lights on against crime.

For more information about the National Night Out, visit www.nationalnightout.org.

Nevada Delegation Splits On House Speaker Plan To Reduce Federal Spending, Raise Debt Ceiling

CARSON CITY – Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nev., announced today he will back a spending reduction plan put forth by House Speaker John Boehner because it proposes a balanced budget amendment that will protect the United States’ AAA credit rating.
A vote on the plan scheduled for today was delayed, however.

Get Healthy: Summer is hot for our furry friends, too

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.We've been enjoying relatively pleasant weather compared to the rest of the United States, but that doesn't mean that our furry f...

Outdoors with Don Q: Walking on mid-summer snowdrifts and deep snow fields

With our summer temperatures currently in the 90-100 degree range around Carson City, it is unbearably hot for this poor, sweltering soul.
I am a winter person, not a summer person, and do not like hot weather!
Thank goodness for those of us who live in this part of the United States, we can temporarily escape that miserable summer heat by finding coolness at the higher elevations of our nearby Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Last Wednesday morning (July 20), Elaine and I did just that.

We traveled to Kit Carson Pass on California S.R. 88 with a three-fold purpose in mind:

A reminder of special sage grouse hunt applications period

By the Nevada Department of Wildlife
This is a reminder that applications for the 2011 Special Sage Grouse Hunt at Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) are now available on the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) website at ndow.org/hunt/apps/.
The Sheldon hunt will be open for two weekends Sept. 17-18 and Sept. 24-25. This is a permitted hunt, with 75 permits awarded by random draw available for each hunt by reservation only.
The hunt is open to both residents and nonresidents.

Carson City Sheriff's Office hosts National Night Out on Aug. 2

By Lisa Davis
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office and the National Association of Town Watch will co-sponsor the 28th annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention event on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at Mills Park.
The theme for this year is “101 Days of Crime Prevention and Safety” which was envisioned by Sheriff Ken Furlong to promote safety throughout the summer which continues well after National Night Out. Festivities run from 5 to to 8 p.m.

Special sage grouse hunt applications open

By the Nevada Department of Wildlife
Applications for the 2011 Special Sage Grouse Hunt at Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) are now available on the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) website.
The Sheldon hunt will be open for two weekends Sept. 17-18 and Sept. 24-25. This is a permitted hunt, with 75 permits awarded by random draw available for each hunt by reservation only.
The hunt is open to both residents and nonresidents.

Runners right at home in Carson City

Of all the places he's lived in and out of the United States, Sean Lehmann says Carson City is the best when it comes to places to get out and run.And he wants everyone to know.He recently submi...

Book Review: Fareed Zakaria explains America no longer alone as superpower

Fareed Zakaria is a TV talk show who knows the complex world of economics, the Mideast and international politics. His book "The Post-American World, Release 2.0," paints a world where the United States is no longer the sole superpower. Not that superpowers are measured in size of armies but rather in economic sense.
Zakaria writes well and with a tremendous fund of knowledge, and while he paints a grim picture for the USA, he doesn't write the country off.

Outdoors with Don Q: Take a summer vacation at Nevada's only national park

How would you like to take a mid-to-late summer vacation at an out-of-the-way location, right here in the State of Nevada? 
If you are interested, did you know that our very own White Pine County is home to one of the nation's least visited and Nevada's only National Park — The 77,000 acre Great Basin National Park?

If you've never been there, here is a whole bunch of useful information:

Nevada Judges Are Well Paid, Says 2011 Report

Nevada’s jurists are well compensated in comparison to their counterparts in other states, according to a 2011 report by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC).

Nevada Supreme Court Says No To ‘Ballot Royale’

CARSON CITY – The Nevada Supreme Court today upheld a lower court decision saying that Democrat and Republican party officials should pick their candidates to run in a special election to fill a vacancy in Congressional District 2.

Movie Review: 'Larry Crowne' lacks wit of 'Bad Teacher'

"Larry Crowne," a romantic comedy now playing at the Fandango Galaxy in Carson City, is the second romantic comedy to hit the scene after the delightful "Bad Teacher," was a hit because of Cameron Diaz' loopy, wide grin.

Sadly, "Crowne"with Tom Hanks directing, writing and co-staring with Julia Roberts, can't come up with the wit and charm of "Teacher." Where "Teacher" is profane and clever, "Crowne" plots along predicable lines from the opening when Hanks as Crowne is laid off from a big box store (read Wal-Mart) because he does't have a college degree. Sure.

Movie Review: 'Green Lantern' shines

"Green Lantern," the current DC Comic ripoff now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineflex in Carson City, is all about a corps of Green Lantern good guys who protected the universe from evildoers such as Parallax, the baddest bad guy around.

Movie starts with Temuera Morrison as Abin Sur getting hit by Parallax while sledding through space and crashing on a rocky beach. With his dying breath he send his powerful Green Lantern out to find someone to replace him in guarding Earth from Parallax.

Commentary by Susan Stamper Brown: A pink slip for Attorney General Holder

During a recent speech at the American Constitution Society (ACS), United States Attorney General Eric Holder lauded our American civilian court system as "our most effective terror-fighting weapon...

PPI’s Steel Magnolias Aug 17-26


Humanitarian hikers stop over in Carson City

Combing their two passions of long-distance hiking and humanitarian work, Kirk, 56, and Cindy Sinclair, 51, are hiking across the United States while raising awareness of different ways people c...

Humanitarian hikers stop over in Carson City

Combing their two passions of long-distance hiking and humanitarian work, Kirk, 56, and Cindy Sinclair, 51, are hiking across the United States while raising awareness of different ways people c...

Mumbo Gumbo "Genre-bending Americana"

For over 20 years Mumbo Gumbo has been one of Northern California's top groups, releasing 9 original CDs and collecting numerous "Sammie" and "Best of Sacramento awards. The 7-piece band tours the Western United States, bringing their "genre-bending Americana" music to their many fans. Their big musical stew contains elements of soul, zydeco, folk, blues, rock, cajun, Caribbean, and country all mixed into their uniquely festive roots-music sound.

Humane Society Says New Laws Mean Nevada Is Now Nicer to Animals

CARSON CITY – The Humane Society of the United States says Gov. Brian Sandoval and the Legislature enacted several important measures to strengthen Nevada’s protections for animals in the just-ended 2011 session.

Old Glory honored along with Army birthday

Members of the Nevada National Guard, Nevada Air Guard, and civilians celebrated Flag Day and the 236th birthday of the United States Army at a ceremony held at the Veteran's Memorial Wall on th...

Moview Review: 'X Men: First Class' a hot and heavy fantasy film

I missed a couple of the "X Man" interations so I can't offer much in the way of comparisons, but world opening audience size was down from the last version. That said, 'X Man: First Class," now screening at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, is a film of its times, a melange of fast cuts, amazing technology which reveals its comic-book birthright with fantasy and some fact.

Former Commanding General Of U.S. Central Command Says Al Qaeda Not Gone With Death Of Bin Laden

RENO – The former commanding general of the U.S. Central Command told a group of Nevadans Wednesday that the death of Osama bin Laden does not mean the U.S. can become complacent and assume that Al Qaeda is no longer a threat.

Movie Review: "The Hangover II" no worse than a bad cold

If you saw "Hangover," the flag-waver for the series, you know what "Hangover Part 2 (or II, it wavers) is all about. You probably know it so well that there's not a lot of attraction to seeing "Part 2.) Same cast, same story (but switched to Bangkok) same gags, same car chases (although a car chase in a Bangkok market with the good guys being chased by two motorcycle killers is a bit different, but not really).

BLM seeking input regarding mill at American Flat

By the Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City District-Sierra Front Field Office is seeking public input through provisions in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act on a proposal to reduce site safety hazards at the United Comstock Merger Mill at American Flat (AFM) in Storey County, Nevada.

The BLM requests public input on the identification of historic properties and comments on potential effects analyzed in the environmental assessment to the AFM complex relative to regulation 36 CFR Part 800.2(d) and 800.3(e).

Outdoors with Don Q: Extreme Facts From Around the U.S.

Last week, I wrote about all kinds of interesting, geographic information about my home town of Carson City.
This week, I am writing about all kinds of interesting, geographic information about the United States.

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