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Public Health

Women to Women Nevada with emergency response coordinator Christina Conti

This week's guest on Women to Women Nevada is Christina Conti, public health emergency response coordinator for the Washoe County Health District.

Conti discusses achievement, decision-making, and balancing career and family. She also details her work in emergency management, as well as her volunteer coordinating work with the Washoe County Domestic Violence Task Force.

Carson City highlights National Public Health Week with trail signs

In recognizing National Public Health Week, officials in Carson City have designed an innovative approach to getting its message out, turning to the use of signs along a local walkway.

Dubbed "Trail to Good Health" several signs will spout up along a mile-long section of the Carson City Freeway multi-use path from Northridge Drive to College Parkway. The signage will be up through the week of April 1-7 and are designed to message users about public health and ways to improve on it, personally and community wide.

Nevada Commission on Homeland Security agrees on 10 funding priorities for 2013

Cybersecurity, prevention, community planning, intelligence and public information are among 10 priorities outlined by the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security for future funding, officials announced Friday.
Gov. Brian Sandoval and 16 voting members of the Commission made the recommendations, according to a news release.
Below is the release:

Free Public Forum on Affordable Health Care Act and How Nevada Medical Community is Preparing

Event Date: 
February 19, 2013 - 5:30pm

Mark your calendars for Feb. 19 in Carson City for Part II of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act and how it is being implemented in Nevada.

The free event will be at the Silver State Charter School Performance Arts Center, 900 Mallory Way in Carson City beginning at 5:30 p.m. Presented by Sierra Nevada Forums, learn how the Affordable Health Care Act is affecting the medical community in Nevada and how care providers are preparing to help their patients.

Carson City, Washoe County health agencies receive grants to explore partnership

Health agencies in Carson City and Washoe County have each received a $125,000 two-year grant that will be used to explore ways to partner, otherwise known as "cross-jurisdictional sharing."

The Carson City Health and Human Services and Washoe County Health District are recipients of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grants that will aid in the mission of protecting and promoting health in both counties, according to a news release.

Nevada Day Public Health Department Entry

Event Date: 
October 27, 2012 (All day)

Two more chipmunks test positive for plague in South Lake Tahoe area

The El Dorado County Department of Environmental Health was notified this week by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) that two additional chipmunks in the South Lake Tahoe area have tested positive for plague. One of the chipmunks was found in the Tallac Historic Site area and one was near the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Taylor Creek Visitor Center.

Lake Tahoe may have elevated risk for plague after chipmunk tests positive

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is advising visitors to its recreation sites to take precautions against plague after a chipmunk found at Taylor Creek Visitor Center tested positive for the disease. Acting on the recommendations of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Forest Service and its concessionaire have posted extensive signage in the area of Taylor Creek Visitor Center, the Tallac Historic Site, and Camp Richardson Resort explaining how the disease is transmitted, the symptoms and how to prevent infection.

Learn more about healthcare reform

Event Date: 
August 28, 2012 - 5:30pm

A free public forum on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (AHCA) will be held at the Plaza Conference Center, 211 East 9th Street, Carson City, NV on Tuesday, August 28 at 5:30 P.M.

Clean Energy Summit Sparks Political Events, Debate Over Government Role In Renewables

CARSON CITY – With U.S. Sen. Harry Reid’s 5th annual National Clean Energy Summit set to kick off today in Las Vegas, the debate over alternative energy development and the government’s role in its future rages on.

Boys and Girls clubs receive grants to promote healthy eating and active lifestyle

The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation announced that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas (Las Vegas, Nev.) and Elko Boys & Girls Club (Elko, Nev.) will both receive a $10,000 start-up grant to implement Triple Play programming. Additionally, Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows (Reno, Nev.) and Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada (Carson, Nev.) will receive $5,000 Triple Play Healthy Habits grants to provide programming focused on teaching the importance of healthy eating habits and being physically active.

Nevada Commission on Homeland Security Determine Priorities

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, chairman of the Homeland Security Commission, along with 16 voting members determined key priorities for the Homeland Security Working Group 2012 grant application process.

The March 2 Commission meeting was dedicated to identifying and establishing the Commission's priorities for the Federal Fiscal Year 2012 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP).  The federal funds allocated to the State of Nevada in 2012 total $4,628,239 (State Homeland Security grant for $2,801,316; Urban Area Security Initiative grant for $1,826,923).

President Obama Talks Up Natural Gas Development In Remarks Today In Las Vegas

President Barack Obama visited Las Vegas today on a swing through the West, talking up energy development to create jobs and reduce the country’s dependence on foreign oil.

In comments delivered at the United Parcel Service hub on East Arby Lane, President Obama said development of natural gas reserves would serve both these purposes.

The president jogged out to loud, enthused cheers from a clearly friendly crowd.

Hepatitis is a public health concern

This column appears in the - Wednesday health pages. It addresses topics related to the health of our community.In the United States, three types of hepatitis are most common - Hepatitis A, Hepatit...

Acting Administrator Appointed For Nevada State Mental Health Programs

CARSON CITY – Richard Whitley, administrator of the Nevada State Health Division, has been appointed to serve as acting administrator for the Nevada Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services.
The appointment by Mike Willden, director of the state Department of Health and Human Services, took effect Saturday. Whitley is replacing Dr. Harold Cook, who is retiring after 33 years of state service.

Free flu shots help with public health preparedness in Carson City

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.Carson City Health and Human Services is hosting its eighth annual free flu vaccination day Saturday, Oct. 1. Over the past seven...

Abalone die-off observed in Sonoma County

By the California Department of Fish and Game
The Department of Fish and Game (DFG) has confirmed reports of dead red abalone and sea stars inside coves along the coast in Sonoma County.
The number of dead and dying abalone is not known but reports have come from Bodega Bay, Russian Gulch, Fort Ross, Timber Cove and Salt Point State Park, beginning on August 27.
DFG biologists and game wardens have collected abalone, mussels and water samples and are continuing to document reports from the public.

Let's go to the movies: Public health is focus of film 'Contagion'

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.On Friday, the movie "Contagion" is coming to Galaxy Fandango Theater in Carson City, and public health professionals from the he...

BLM seeking input regarding mill at American Flat

By the Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City District-Sierra Front Field Office is seeking public input through provisions in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act on a proposal to reduce site safety hazards at the United Comstock Merger Mill at American Flat (AFM) in Storey County, Nevada.

The BLM requests public input on the identification of historic properties and comments on potential effects analyzed in the environmental assessment to the AFM complex relative to regulation 36 CFR Part 800.2(d) and 800.3(e).

Carson City Health Mass Dispensing Exercise

What would you do if there was a public health emergency here in Carson City? With an upcoming Mass Dispensing Exercise, Carson City Health and Human Services hopes to take a step towards answering that question.

Sin Tax Debate Focuses On Public Health Benefits, Revenues, Effects On Business

CARSON CITY – Advocates for a tax hike on cigarettes and liquor made their case in the Nevada Legislature today, both to raise revenue and improve public health.
The proposal received a mixed reaction from lawmakers, and some lobbyist opposition, however, because of the negative consequences on business.

Sin Tax Debate Focuses On Public Health Benefits, Revenues, Effects On Business

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Advocates for a tax hike on cigarettes and liquor made their case in the Nevada Legislature today, both to raise revenue and improve public health.
The proposal received a mixed reaction from lawmakers, and some lobbyist opposition, however, because of the negative consequences on business.

UNR and Nevada Public Health Association promote National Public Health Week, April 4-10

Press Release — It only takes a moment for an injury to happen – a fall, a quick look at the cell phone while driving, a medication mix-up, leaving a child to answer the phone. But it only takes a moment to protect against injuries and make our community a safer place.

The Nevada Public Health Association, a partnership of local public health professionals, along with other community and University groups, is hosting a series of free events for National Public Health Week, April 4-10, in the theme, “Safety is no Accident: Live Injury-Free.”

Opinion: Community Health Centers and the Federal Budget - Who Speaks for You?

By Thomas G. Chase
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a repeal of Health Reform. Additionally, they passed budget cuts of $1.3 billion to existing funding for Community Health Centers (CHC’s).

Over the last 45 years, CHC’s have grown to provide primary care access to 20 million Americans. Study after study has shown that primary care in a CHC is less expensive and provides more reliable health outcomes than any other alternative for those with access challenges. Who is speaking for the needs of these patients?

Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Responds to Japan Nuclear Reactor Crisis Concerns

News Release — The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Nevada Department of Public Safety — Division of Emergency Management (DPS-DEM) are collectively working to address the public’s concerns surrounding the potential impact to the State of Nevada and the rest of the United States from the Japanese nuclear reactor crisis.

Eric Matus, Radiation Physicist for the Nevada State Health Division, has compiled an overview of information addressing the concerns and speculation that continue to linger.

State workers to speak out against program elimination, layoffs and prison closure 

There will be some tough love in Carson City today among state employees who will take a firm stand against Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval's proposed budget that takes aim at public services.

Members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 4041 employees and its retiree chapter will address their concerns to the public and press at noon on this Valentine's Day in front of the Legislative Building, 401 South Carson Street in Carson City.

Healthy Communities Coalition Begins Work on Youth Violence Prevention Plan

Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey is offering a special presentation on youth violence prevention planning during its February gathering.

Youth Violence Prevention Plan work underway by Healthy Communities Coalition

Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey will offer a special presentation on youth violence prevention planning during its February gathering.

Sandoval Sworn In As Governor, Announces Regulation Freeze As Pro-Business Move

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval wasted no time getting to work after being sworn into office today, signing an executive order freezing many proposed administrative regulations as evidence that Nevada is a business friendly state.

Affordable Help for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment During the Holidays and Year Round In Nevada

At least 24 million people in the U.S. struggle with addiction to alcohol and other drugs. The good news is that millions in recovery stand as evidence that there is hope – people can stop using, reconnect with family, and go on to productive, happy lives. The Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey is one group promoting the fact that recovery is possible, prevention works and treatment is effective.

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