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Secretary of State Broadens Inquiry Into Use of Campaign Funds by State Lawmaker

CARSON CITY – An inquiry into the use of campaign funds by Assemblywoman Kathy McClain in 2009 to pay her Clark County retirement contributions while serving as a lawmaker has been expanded to include additional expenditures as well.

Governor Gibbons vetos four day work week for most state employees

Big Turnover in Nevada Legislature

CARSON CITY – Thanks to term limits and decisions by some lawmakers not to seek re-election, at least 16 members of the Nevada Legislature will not be returning in 2011, and the number could end up being even higher after Election Day in November.
Sixteen lawmakers are termed out of office in the 2010 election cycle, but three so far have filed for different legislative offices and could return to the Legislature for the 2011 session.

Governor Gibbons to Sign Race to Top Bill in Las Vegas on Wednesday

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons on Wednesday will sign the “Race to the Top” bill allowing Nevada to compete for federal school improvement funds, a spokesman said today.

Former CC planner and redevelopment director Rob Joiner files for Supervisor Ward One

Former CC planner and redevelopment director Rob Joiner filed Friday in a very crowded race for City Supervisor Ward 1. Joiner said although he left the city eight years ago to finish his governmen

OurTown: Bonnie Parnell talks about state budget

Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell talks about the just-finished special
session of the Nevada Legislature, and the struggle to balance the
state's budget.


Millennium Scholarship Program Faces Uncertain Future Due to State Budget Crisis

CARSON CITY –A college scholarship available to eligible Nevada high school graduates could be in fin

Independent American Party Files Candidate List, Looks to Make Headway in 2010

CARSON CITY – The Independent American Party (IAP) this week released its list of candidates for 38 different offices, including the seat now held by U.S. Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and all three congressional seats. There are candidates for state and local offices as well.

State Legislators Disagree on Solutions to Projected $3 Billion Budget Shortfall in 2011

With the Legislature reaching a deal to close the $800 billion shortfall late Sunday, party leaders referred to the intimidating difficulties they will face in next year’s session when legislators will have to deal with a projected $3 billion shortfall in the next biennium.

Special Session: Assembly GOP Leader Says Bank Fee in Budget a Tradeoff, Expresses Concerns About Last Minute Jobs Bill

CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert said in an interview today that GOP agreement to include a new f

Bipartisan Budget Deal in Place

CARSON CITY – As a deal to close an $805 million budget gap was announced today, bringing a close to a sometimes rancorous six-day special session, Republican lawmakers say they helped shape the de

Mirror, mirror, on the wall….

On The Reflection In The Mirror
By Karl Neathammer

End in sight for Special Session?

Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, told reporters Saturday night that legislative leaders, Governor Gibbons and administrative officials have come to a tentative agreement on how to plu

Special session mixed bag so far…

Trying to plug a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget has been a bit of a roller coaster ride.

Governor Will Not Veto Race to the Top Bill

A source inside Governor Gibbon’s office today said Gibbons will not veto the Race to the Top education bill passed Wednesday evening by the state Senate and Assembly during the special session of

As Legislature Considers Higher Education Cuts, Assembly Members Weigh In On Six Figure Salaries at UNLV

The State Senate and Assembly have this week considered cuts to education as they seek ways to close Nevada’s $881 million budget gap at the legislative special session.

Assembly Speaker Says Governor’s Education Reform Plan Not Likely to Get Hearing in Special Session

(Updated at 2:37 p.m. on Feb. 26, 2010)

State lawmakers seem to be limiting cuts to education – miffs Governor Gibbons

State lawmakers are hardly endearing themselves to Governor Gibbons in that they have taken informal votes on his major cuts to K-12 and University/College budgets.

Strategy to Avoid Gibbons Vetoes on Tap if Needed

CARSON CITY – Because of the tense relationship between the Legislature and Gov.

Special Session looking to get messy

As state lawmakers scramble to fill a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget, political warfare has escalated between Governor Gibbons and the Legislature.

Conservative Caucus, GOP Minority Fight to Get Their Views Heard in Special Session

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republicans, who haven’t had a majority presence in the Legislature in 25 years, are working with their Senate col

Budget Puzzle Remains Incomplete as Legislature Starts Special Session

CARSON CITY – As the Nevada Legislature plodded through the first day of a special session called to erase a nearly $900 million

Democrats and Republicans square off on strategies to fix the state’s budget crisis

Most Democrats (“yes to new taxes”) and most Republicans (“no to new taxes”) are squaring off during the special session of the legislature. Senate Majority Leader Sen.

Lawmakers and Governor at odds over budget plans

Lawmakers, Governor at Odds Over Budget Plan
By Sean Whaley | 7:07 pm February 22nd, 2010

State Senator Mark Amodei throws in the towel on U.S. Senate race

Saying he didn’t have enough money, and probably wouldn’t have enough money, to mount an effective campaign, State Senator Mark Amodei, R-Capital District, today announced he’s not going to run for

Lawmakers, Governor at Odds Over Budget Plan


Special Session Starts Tuesday: Likely to be Gawd Awful

Faced with the prospects of massive teacher layoffs, more state worker pink slips and shorter paychecks for those who stay, slashed services for the poor, the sick and the elderly, and the closure

UNLV students to gather on Legislature steps to protest state budget cuts

UNLV students will amass on the steps of the State Legislature on the morning of the first day of the special session of the legislature.

Mile High Jazz Band Presents "Coming and Going" March 9

Lawmakers and Governor Continue to Look for Solutions to Massive Budget Shortfall


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