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Sen. Harry Reid to stop in Carson City this morning

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be making a campaign stop in Carson City at 10 a.m. at Comma Coffee. Since this is the regular time and place we shoot our weekly OurTown show, we will be there with our cameras, and will bring you live video of the event here.

Update: The senator will be here at around 11 a.m.

Update 11:30: Senator is now taking questions from the audience.

What Health Insurance Reform Means for Nevada Medicaid

The recently-passed health insurance reform bill will lead to major changes for Nevada’s Medicaid program.

OPINION: NLRA Could Do What Rain, Sleet and Snow Can’t?

FedEx Express drivers are currently covered under the Railway Labor Act (RLA), the labor law intended for planes and trains, not automobiles.
On the other hand, every other express delivery driver in the country is covered under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). And a provision in the House version of the pending FAA reauthorization bill would right this inequity in the law and close the FedEx loophole.

IWF Launches Balanced Education for Everyone Campaign, Asks parents to fight for fair education in lead-up to Earth Day activities

(Washington, D.C.) – The Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) launches its latest campaign, Balanced Education for Everyone (BEE) on Monday, April 5. The campaign advocates for parents to take control of their children’s education, especially when it comes to alarmist global warming indoctrination.

Rob Joiner for Supervisor Meet and Greet

The Friends of Rob Joiner for Supervisor (Ward One)will be hosting a "Meet and Greet" campaign party and fundraiser.
Location: Z Bistro, 725 Basque Way, Carson City
When: Sunday, April 11, 2010 from 3;30 to 6:00 p.m.

Wine and Beer Tasting, with Food Pairings will be served.

All Donations will be gratefully accepted ($35.00 suggested)

RSVP by April 7, 2010 appreciated. (775) 883-4540 or rjoiner4supe@gmail.com

The unstoppable evolution of health care reform

These days, I get a chuckle when I see people engaging in philosophical debates over health care reform, or "socialized medicine" as opponents call it.

I understand and respect the positions of those who think government should not be a part of the health care system, that the free market will fix everything. It's an interesting philosophical position, but it faces the brick wall of reality.

Gibbons using heath care reform suit for political purposes?

Let me preface this by saying the just-passed health care reform law provokes strong opinions on both sides, and I'm not going to attempt in this post to pass judgement one way or the other.

But it seems very clear that embattled Gov. Jim Gibbons is trying to use this issue to boost his reelection chances, to the detriment of the state.

2010 Election Season Crucial with Redistricting on the Agenda in the Next Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – As millions of Americans fill out their census forms over the next several weeks in the nation’s once-a-decade head co

Democrats respond to Heller vote; says he took nearly $76K from insurance companies

Tracking Sunday's congressional health care vote, Carson Now quoted Congressman Dean Heller with a statement from his Web site.

Carson City leaders aim to close $10M budget deficit on Thursday

Carson City Board of Supervisors have a heavy agenda this week as they try to close a $10 million budget deficit.

Top GOP Adviser Rogich Says Now is Not the Time to Replace Harry Reid, Talks Revenue and Budget Issues

CARSON CITY – Republican presidential adviser Sig Rogich said in an interview televised today that he is supporting the re-election of U.S. Sen. Harry Reid because replacing the most powerful member of Congress while the state is in the worst recession in memory is a bad idea.

Rangle and Ensign, Royalty in Washington?

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our elected Congressmen and Congresswomen got the kind of harsh treatment that those of us in Carson City get when on of Kenny Furlong’s black shirts pull us over for not

Secretary of State Broadens Inquiry Into Use of Campaign Funds by State Lawmaker

CARSON CITY – An inquiry into the use of campaign funds by Assemblywoman Kathy McClain in 2009 to pay her Clark County retirement contributions while serving as a lawmaker has been expanded to include additional expenditures as well.

Special Session looking to get messy

As state lawmakers scramble to fill a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget, political warfare has escalated between Governor Gibbons and the Legislature.

Conservative Caucus, GOP Minority Fight to Get Their Views Heard in Special Session

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republicans, who haven’t had a majority presence in the Legislature in 25 years, are working with their Senate col

Public relations team wins for V&T grand opening campaign

A successful public information campaign to spread the word about Carson's City's historic Virginia and Truckee Railroad grand opening were recognized and honored recently.

Lawmakers and Governor at odds over budget plans

Lawmakers, Governor at Odds Over Budget Plan
By Sean Whaley | 7:07 pm February 22nd, 2010

State Senator Mark Amodei throws in the towel on U.S. Senate race

Saying he didn’t have enough money, and probably wouldn’t have enough money, to mount an effective campaign, State Senator Mark Amodei, R-Capital District, today announced he’s not going to run for

Lawmakers, Governor at Odds Over Budget Plan


Gibbons Criticizes Sandoval on State Building Lease Back Proposal, Sandoval Says Gibbons Budget Plan Raises Taxes

By Sean Whaley | 3:38 pm February 19th, 2010

Comment on Governor Gibbons to help us all master the obvious… by Dave Morgan

Points well taken. Again, Nevada’s taxing authority as it exists today in no way matches today’s fiscal challenges to keep the state whole.

Governor Gibbons to help us all master the obvious…

(Click image to play video)
Governor Gibbons addresses Nevadans on the dismal state of the state with a promise to blame Democrats for causing much of it, with some help from the recession.

President Obama's Address, Saturday January 23rd, 2010

One of the reasons I ran for President was because I believed so strongly that the voices of everyday Americans, hardworking folks doing everything they can to stay afloat, just weren’t being heard ov

Carson area latinos rally for immigration reform

(Click image to play video)
Several hundred latinos gathered at the Fuji Park Exhibit Hall this week to take part in a nationwide letter writing campaign to the Congress.

Rory Reid continues to raise campaign funds for his run for Governor at a pretty brisk pace. Better than Sandoval….so far

(Click image to play video)
Although it’s way early, it is none the less worth noting that Democrat Rory Reid is outraising other candidates for Governor by a wide margin.

Senator Reid’s campaign crew has reason to be worried, but they say they’re not

(Click image to play video)
The polls are looking grim for Senator Reid’s re-election plans.

Life in Carson: Jim and Dawn Gibbons head to court

Breakups are usually sad affairs, and the implosion of the marriage of Jim and Dawn Gibbons is no exception. Having met and talked with both of them on multiple occasions, it's hard not to feel sorry for them.

Reid’s big campaign guns may have met their match…

(Click image to play video)
A self-proclaimed Republican challenger to U.S.

A new poll says right now, it’s Oscar’s if he wants it…

(Click image to play video)
Although the campaign season does not start in earnest for another few months, the “status quo” seems to be that the horse race for Governor is already taking shape.

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