Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now - Your one stop for Carson City news en Carson City area weather: Heat Advisory issued for much of Western Nevada <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/05/2024/carson-city-area-weather-heat-advisory-issued-much-western-nevada" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="281" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>While we're in late spring, temperatures Wednesday and Thursday will feel more like a summer heat wave, prompting the National Weather Service to issue a Heat Advisory for the Carson City area and throughout western Nevada.</p> <p>Temperatures are expected to be between 95 to 100 during the day with overnight lows 65 to 70, NWS forecasters said, while urging people to take necessary precautions. The <a href=";warncounty=NVC510&amp;firewxzone=NVZ420&amp;local_place1=Carson%20City%20NV&amp;product1=Heat+Advisory&amp;lat=39.1483&amp;lon=-119.7432" title=";warncounty=NVC510&amp;firewxzone=NVZ420&amp;local_place1=Carson%20City%20NV&amp;product1=Heat+Advisory&amp;lat=39.1483&amp;lon=-119.7432">Heat Advisory</a> is from today, Wednesday, 10 a.m. to Thursday, 8 p.m. </p> <p>The hot weather is expected to taper off Friday and Saturday, into Sunday with highs in the mid to upper 80s for the Carson City area and surrounding counties.</p> <p>In the meantime, the weather service advises people sensitive to hot weather to rescheduling activities, recognize heat illness, drink plenty of fluids, take frequent breaks in A/C, and use sun protection. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.</p> News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 19:05:16 +0000 Jeff Munson 131015 at Douglas School Board controversies: Joey Gilbert tweeting during meetings, a trustee criticized for using 'r' slur <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/05/2024/douglas-school-board-joey-gilbert-has-been-tweeting-during-board-meetings-trustee-u" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="297" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> by Kelsey Penrose </div> </div> </div> <p>More controversies are coming out of the May 21 Douglas County School Board and this time one of the issues isn’t what’s happening at the meetings, but rather, what isn’t.</p> <p>Attendees of the meetings have pointed out that the board’s attorney, Joey Gilbert, spends time on his phone during the school board meetings during which he is paid $325 an hour.</p> <p>Gilbert is a fan of the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, with hundreds of tweets and re-tweets on his profile each month.</p> <p>While his use of the platform is not an issue in and of itself, some have pointed out that it does become an issue when Gilbert spends the school board meetings scrolling and tweeting on the platform. </p> <p>A survey of Gilbert’s tweets during school board meetings shows he has shared tweets and retweets at times that the board was actively discussing policies or during public comment.</p> <p>A recent survey from the past four meetings shows Gilbert was tweeting at the following times: </p> <p>Feb. 13:<br /> 5:26 p.m.<br /> 8:32 p.m.<br /> 9:24 p.m. </p> <p>March 12:<br /> 4:52 p.m.<br /> 6:08 p.m.<br /> 7:06 p.m. </p> <p>April 9:<br /> 4:25 p.m.<br /> 6:34 p.m. </p> <p>May 21:<br /> 6:48 p.m. </p> <p>All of these tweets, correlating to the posted YouTube video timestamps, were not made during breaks in the meetings. </p> <p>None of the tweets referred to anything relating to Douglas County or the school board.<br /> Instead, they ranged in topics from outrage over trans individuals being allowed in gyms, wanting to prohibit free healthcare to immigrants, anti-masking, and election misinformation. </p> <p><strong>Legal questions left unanswered by legal counsel</strong></p> <p>The fact that Gilbert has been caught tweeting during meetings has angered many members of the public for another reason: during the most recent meeting, Gilbert ignored legal questions regarding board procedure and instead allowed trustees to battle it out amongst themselves. </p> <p>The first came about during a spat between trustees Kathleen Dickerson and Linda Gilkerson. </p> <p>Gilkerson stated she was concerned by the fact that there are so many involuntary staff moves, specifically educational staff being moved from one school to another, as well as multiple resignations. </p> <p>Dickerson then responded saying that there was no indication the resignations had anything to do with the board, and Gilkerson was wrong for implying that was the case. </p> <p>“That’s an unfair assumption,” Dickerson went on. </p> <p>When Gilkerson asked to respond, President David Burns simply said, “Uh, no.” </p> <p>“I don’t think you can do that,” Gilkerson said. </p> <p>Trustee Yvonne Wagstaff spoke up on Gilkerson’s behalf, stating that Burns in fact could not refuse another trustee to speak during discussions. </p> <p>Wagstaff: “<a href="" title="">According to our training</a>, it says you cannot stop another board member from speaking during discussion, only during debate.” </p> <p>Burns told Wagstaff to show him where there is a difference between debate and discussion. </p> <p>Wagstaff: “There is a huge difference between debate and discussion.” </p> <p>Burns: “Show me.”</p> <p>Wagstaff: “Did you watch the training?” </p> <p>Burns: “Yes, I did.” </p> <p>Wagstaff: “Okay well then during debate each person has ten minutes to speak two times, that’s it. During discussion every member has the opportunity to speak until everyone has spoken or chosen not to speak and then it goes back to the person that chooses to speak. There’s not a limit to the number of times that can happen and it can be amongst the school board members.” </p> <p>Burns: “I disagree.”</p> <p>During the entire discussion, neither Gilbert nor his associate Kendra Jepsen intervened.</p> <p> At this point, another trustee said they should ask legal counsel. </p> <p>Gilbert can be seen on the recording shaking his head, and does not respond. </p> <p>Jepsen then answered that she agreed there is a difference between debate and discussion. </p> <p>“But there is still a control of time?” Burns asked, but neither Gilbert nor Jepsen appeared to respond. </p> <p>“Not during discussion,” Wagstaff said again. </p> <p>Burns said he would bring back the answer to it later and allowed Gilkerson to respond. </p> <p>“All I wanted to say was I’m not putting blame on anybody, I’m just stating a fact,” Gilkerson said. </p> <p>This argument was repeated multiple times during the meeting, and at no time did either of the attorneys move to settle legal debates between board members. </p> <p>Arguments erupted again during discussions on Gilbert’s contract — the fourth iteration the board has had brought before them. </p> <p>Wagstaff pointed out that under state law as well as <a href="" title="">board policy,</a> there should only be one person hired or fired by the board, which is the superintendent, and all other staff should report to the superintendent.</p> <p>Based on that determination, she said, Gilbert should not be answering directly to the board, but rather to the superintendent, the way all other previous district contracts were written, similar to a company’s CEO. </p> <p>Wagstaff also asked whether or not Gilbert would choose the board’s interests over the district’s when the board and the district do not have aligned interests, such as in investigations, but Gilbert did not respond to her question. Instead, he said the contract was written the way it was intentionally. </p> <p>Wagstaff and Burns again got into a legal debate on who counsel should report to. Burns said that the board members determine who counsel reports to, while Wagstaff insisted state law says otherwise. </p> <p>Burns: “The superintendent cannot fire the legal counsel therefore they answer to the board.” </p> <p>Wagstaff: “Says who?” </p> <p>Burns: “The board members.”</p> <p>Wagstaff: “The only one we are allowed to hire and fire is the superintendent, it says that in NRS.” </p> <p>At this point, Dickerson said, “Can we get counsel in on this? This is nonsense, this is what (counsel is) for.” </p> <p>However, neither attorney responded. </p> <p>Burns insisted that the bylaws of the board say that the board can “do a lot of things” when it comes to employees. </p> <p>Wagstaff: “Actually, no, if you look up <a href="" title="">policy 314</a>, what you were looking at last month you were incorrect in what you were stating.” </p> <p>Burns: “That’s your opinion.” </p> <p>Dickerson again asked for Gilbert’s opinion. </p> <p>“I’ve written my contract the way I’ve written, it’s for the board to hire or fire me. … I’ve written this contract. I’m familiar with what it says. You don’t have to sign it, it’s here to be discussed, and put to a vote and then we do it, that’s what we’re here for. I know people have their different opinion things or how they feel about things but it’s how I see it is: I am hired and fired by the board, I will report to the board.”</p> <p>Trustee Carey Kangas has brought up numerous times during contract discussions that because of these changes and because there is a lack of trust between the public and the board, he would like to see the contract reviewed by a third party. Kangas also said he agreed that the contract should read counsel reports to the superintendent, not to the board. </p> <p>While Jepsen said the board could vote on these changes, and that she believed they would have no issue with a third party reviewing the contract, Gilbert disagreed.</p> <p>“I don’t agree to having it reviewed by a third party. I don’t need a third party reviewing it. It’s a contract, it’s fair and there’s nothing off-sided or off-put here.”</p> <p>Trustee Doug Englekirk asked Gilbert if he would be willing to amend the contract to say he would report to the superintendent. </p> <p>“I’ve made it very clear I need this the way it is so I can do my job, I do go to (acting superintendent Jeanne Dwyer) on certain things … but no, I’ve written (the contract) this specific way so I can get my job done and when I’m peppered with nonsense that happens every single meeting, every special meeting, every meeting in between I need to be able to do my job and this is — it’s just getting out of control. I’m always going to be communicating with Jeanne … that’s where I’m at.”</p> <p>Kangas tried and failed to call a vote for the contract to be reviewed by a third party. </p> <p><strong>Jansen under hot water for ‘R’ slur</strong></p> <p>During the meeting, Trustee Susan Jansen was once again discussed for using inappropriate language during a board meeting. </p> <p>According to members of the public, Jansen told a group of attendees as she walked into the meeting that their signs were “retarded,” more than once, which she did not deny after multiple commenters brought it up during public comment. </p> <p>Apparently, this is not the first time Jansen has used this language.<br /> During the end of public comment, former superintendent Keith Lewis called in to give public comment. He said that as the proud father of two children with intellectual disabilities, he was “disappointed and repulsed” by her use of the word, and said he had already asked her not to use it during a previous meeting. </p> <p>“This word is not only offensive but also dehumanizing, and its use by anyone is unacceptable. However it is particularly egregious when uttered by someone in a position of leadership and influence over our students with disabilities.” </p> <p>Lewis went on to say that to those who might consider defending Jansen’s remarks as merely a terrible choice of words, this is not an isolated incident. </p> <p>“Rather it reflects a pattern of behavior. Trustee Jansen has used this slur on other occasions including during a meeting in my office in July 2023. I made it clear to her then that such language was unacceptable and I will not let this latest incident pass without defending my two boys and all other students who deserve respect and dignity. Our board members should exemplify the values of respect and inclusivity that we strive to teach our children. Trustee Jansens’ continued use of such offensive language demonstrates a severe lack of empathy and respect for those who are different from her.” </p> <p>Lewis asked the board to take swift action regarding her use of the word. At the end of Lewis’s comment, Burns ended the meeting.</p> News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 17:35:33 +0000 Kelsey Penrose 131004 at Carson City man arrested for prohibited firearms possession, discharging a firearm at a structure and drawing deadly weapon <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/05/2024/carson-city-man-arrested-prohibited-firearms-possession-discharging-firearm-structu" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="299" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/05/2024/carson-city-man-arrested-prohibited-firearms-possession-discharging-firearm-structu" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="289" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-mugs"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_mugs" width="197" height="248" alt="" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Carson City Sheriff&#039;s Office </div> </div> </div> <p>A 46-year-old Carson City man was arrested Sunday for suspicion of prohibited firearms possession, discharging a firearm at a structure and drawing deadly weapon, according to the Carson City Sheriff's Office.</p> <p>On June 2, 2024, at approximately 3:43 a.m., a passerby reported a man, later identified as Nathan Kelly, 46, standing on the corner of Carson Street and Musser Street with a high-powered rifle, screaming into the air. Patrol deputies responded to the location and apprehended Nathan without incident.</p> <p>Nathan informed the deputies that he suffered from a mental health condition and had consumed six alcoholic beverages. The deputies recovered the rifle, which was an AR10 308-caliber rifle with a long-range scope, activated green dot, and loaded magazine with the round in the chamber and the safety off. Nathan's breathalyzer test indicated a .174 BAC, and deputies also detected green residue on his tongue. Nathan later admitted to smoking marijuana.</p> <p>Later that day, deputies investigated a gunshot through the northeast door of the Valero gas station at 1360 South Carson Street. Reviewing the surveillance video, they discovered that on June 2, 2024, at around 3:10 a.m., a person walked in front of the doors with a high-powered rifle identified as Kelly. No one was injured during this incident.</p> <p>Deputies then obtained consent to search Kelly's apartment and seized his other firearms. They recovered five handguns, one 45-caliber rifle, and one Mossberg shotgun. While searching Kelley's residence, a neighbor living below Kelley's apartment reported finding a hole in their ceiling. The neighbor mentioned being away that morning and returning around 2:00 a.m., then discovering the hole above the center of their living room. Deputies determined that the hole in the neighbor's ceiling was caused by a bullet fired downward from Kelley's apartment. Fortunately, no one was injured at this location.</p> <p>If you have information, please contact Sergeant T.J. Boggan of the Carson City Sheriff’s Office, Patrol Division, referencing Carson City Sheriff’s Office case number 24-3369.</p> News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 15:26:00 +0000 Jeff Munson 131010 at NDOT to begin major $11M improvement project on US-395 in downtown Gardnerville <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/05/2024/ndot-begin-11m-resurfacing-improvement-project-us-395-downtown-gardnerville" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="304" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> NDOT news release </div> </div> </div> <p>Beginning Monday, June 10, drivers will see extensive lane reductions as the Nevada Department of Transportation launches major construction as part of a continuing highway improvement project to reconstruct U.S. 395 through downtown Gardnerville.</p> <p>Since last fall, drivers have seen single lane closures and lane shifts on small sections of U.S. 395 between First Street and Waterloo Lane for preliminary highway drainage, sidewalk and curb and gutter improvements. The majority of lane closures were short in length, with moderate travel delays.</p> <p><strong>Major Traffic Impacts Launch June 10, 2024</strong><br /> Beginning June 10, more extensive lane reductions will take place as crews launch major highway reconstruction. Just under two miles of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street in Gardnerville will be completely reconstructed and repaved.</p> <p>Drivers should anticipate the following construction on sections of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street spring through September 2024.</p> <p>Sections of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street in Gardnerville will be reduced to one lane in each direction during major construction.</p> <p>Drivers should anticipate shifting traffic control and 24/7 travel delays through the work zone as semi-permanent barriers are placed in work areas for driver and worker safety.</p> <p>At least one lane in each direction and one access to each business will remain available during construction.</p> <p>Access will be maintained, but may include metal plates over driveways. NDOT encourages the community to support local businesses during construction.</p> <p>Alternate routes are advised for those traveling through without a planned destination in the work zone.</p> <p>Left-hand turns and travel across intersections will periodically be prohibited as intersections are reconstructed and new road surface placed.</p> <p>Expect reduced speeds through the work zone and provide extra time to reach destinations.</p> <p>While pedestrian and bicycle access will remain available, marked pedestrian detours will be in place in certain sections of the work zone.</p> <p>Construction schedule is weather permitting and subject to change.</p> <p>Those interested can receive project text notifications by texting “DOWNTOWN” to 866-540-8466, or by calling (775) 379-8777.</p> <p><strong>The project will make the following improvements:</strong><br /> — Reconstruct approximately a half mile of U.S. 395 from Waterloo Lane to Toler Avenue. Nearly fifteen inches of aging roadway surface and base will be pulverized and blended with new cement to create a sturdier and durable roadway base. Six inches of new asphalt will then be placed over the new roadway base for a smoother and safer roadway surface.</p> <p>— Through the “S-curve” (Toler Avenue to approximately Mill Street), an even more aggressive roadway modification will excavate 18 inches of the roadway base before reconstructing and resurfacing.</p> <p>— The remaining section of roadway improvements will remove and replace almost three inches of aging pavement surfaces.</p> <p>— Electronic flashing pedestrian crossing signs, known as a rapid rectangular flashing beacons, will be installed or upgraded near Mission Street and Kingslane Court, allowing pedestrians to activate the signs to help stop traffic as they cross the street.</p> <p>— Upgraded lighting will be installed as part of existing lighting fixtures.</p> <p>— Underground conduit line will also be enhanced for better connectivity to roadway cameras, road/weather information systems, and more. This also provides opportunity for early installation of future electrical and communications including fiber optic cables, as part of a broader plan to make high-speed internet more accessible throughout Nevada.</p> <p>— Additional storm drains will also be added near Toler Avenue at the “S Curve” to more effectively direct storm waters.</p> <p>— Americans with Disability accessibility improvements will be made to certain sidewalk facilities.</p> <p>A second phase of improvements in future years will include additional sidewalk and accessibility improvements, as well as remaining roadway drainage, signals, and lighting enhancements.</p> <p>The approximately $11 million improvement project by contractor Sierra Nevada Construction will improve the highway for the as many as 20,000 who travel the road daily, including many heavy trucks and other commercial vehicles. The road was last fully repaved in 2003, with minor resurfacing in some areas more recently.</p> <p>Motorists should use caution while traveling through work zones, and take alternate detour routes, if possible. The schedule is subject to change due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway conditions, visit or call 511 before driving.</p> News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 15:04:17 +0000 Jeff Munson 130998 at Lyon County Sheriff: Standoff in Mound House ends, three jailed <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/lyon-county-sheriff-standoff-mound-house-ends-three-jailed" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="215" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/lyon-county-sheriff-standoff-mound-house-ends-three-jailed" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="345" height="400" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-mugs"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_mugs" width="200" height="150" alt="" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Lyon County Sheriff&#039;s Office </div> </div> </div> <p>On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at approximately 9:30 a.m., the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit attempted to apprehend a known felony warrant suspect known to them as Steven White.</p> <p>Steven White fled from the Special Investigations Unit across Highway 50 and into a Mound House residence. A perimeter was established, and White barricaded himself inside of the residence.</p> <p>After a several hour long, “surround and call-out” entry into the residence was made. Lyon County Sheriff’s Office K9 Kai, found Steven White hiding in the residence. K9 persuaded White to surrender to Lyon County Sheriff’s Office SWAT personnel.</p> <p>The following suspects were arrested, and booked into the Lyon County Jail for the following:</p> <p>Steven White:<br /> — Possession of a controlled substance<br /> — Possession of Narcotic paraphernalia<br /> — Obstruct and Delay (2 Counts)<br /> — Felony Parole and Probation Warrant<br /> — Criminal contempt</p> <p>John Zielinksi<br /> — Possession of a controlled (methamphetamine under 14g) -Possession of Narcotic paraphernalia<br /> — Obstruct and Delay</p> <p>Shonae Thacker<br /> — Obstruct and Delay.</p> News Wed, 05 Jun 2024 01:46:23 +0000 Jeff Munson 131003 at Carson City emergency crews respond to crash off I-580 near US-50 East <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><p>Carson City emergency crews were called to a crash Tuesday afternoon at I-580 near US-50 East. The crash was reported to Nevada State Police at 3:51 p.m.</p> <p>At this time there are no injuries to report. Motorists can expect delays.</p> News Tue, 04 Jun 2024 23:28:00 +0000 Jeff Munson 131001 at Parents’ residence transforms into Carson City promotion ceremony site for Nevada Army Guard Colonel <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/parents-residence-transforms-carson-city-promotion-ceremony-site-nevada-army-guard-" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="392" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/parents-residence-transforms-carson-city-promotion-ceremony-site-nevada-army-guard-" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="476" height="400" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> By Master Sgt. Erick Studenicka </div> </div> </div> <p>A self-admitted man of few words, Jonathan Hall succinctly but perfectly summed up his 85th birthday Tuesday: “It’s the best birthday yet.” On the same day he turned 85, his son Karsten Hall was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Nevada Army Guard — right on the senior Hall’s front porch in the Capital City.</p> <p>Ruth Hall, Karsten’s mother, also had a front row seat on the porch of the ceremony presided over by Brig. Gen. Troy Armstrong. Jonathan Hall cannot travel due to poor health. Dozens of the younger Hall’s relatives and friends filled the yard during the ceremony, but the box seats on the front porch were reserved for Jonathan and Ruth.</p> <p>The site of the ceremony in southeast Carson City was Karsten Hall’s home for six years in the 1980s. The Hall family moved to Carson City in August 1981 and it’s been Jonathan and Ruth’s home for nearly 43 years. Karsten was among the first students at Eagle Valley Middle School and he lived at the home until he enlisted in the Army in 1988.</p> <p>Karsten, who remains a Carson City resident, said the easy solution to getting his parents to his promotion ceremony was simply to bring the ceremony to them – just a short drive away from the Office of the Adjutant General Office campus on Fairview Drive where Karsten works as the Director of Logistics.</p> <p>“In order for all of my family to participate in ceremony, we came up with the idea to hold it here at the house,” Karsten said. “We came up with the idea last week. I came by and made sure my mom was good with it — people invading her yard — and she was good with it and we put the plan in motion.”</p> <p>Armstong, the Nevada Army Guard’s Land Component Commander, said Hall’s ceremony was the first he had seen at a private residence.</p> <p>“It’s my first ceremony at a residence but a great opportunity for the Hall family,” said Armstrong, who presented one of his personal ‘challenge’ coins to Jonathan Hall to commemorate his birthday. “It’s great that Karsten’s parents have the chance to see one of their son’s military milestones. I still regret my own father was not able to see my last promotion.”</p> <p>Although not quite as lengthy as Karsten’s nearly 40-year long military career, Jonathan Hall also recorded an honorable military service stint with four years of enlisted duty in the U.S. Air Force from 1959-1963. He married Ruth in 1967 and they had two sons (Karsten and Matthew) who have given Jonathan and Ruth nine grandchildren (ranging in age from 6-36) and one 3-year-old great grandchild.</p> <p>Ruth Hall finished her husband’s summary of the ceremony with some elaboration.</p> <p>“It’s been absolutely super,” Ruth said. “Karsten dreamed it up and wanted us to participate — and here we are with the best view of the ceremony.”</p> <p><strong>In the first photo:</strong> With newly-promoted Col. Karsten Hall, far right, watching, Nevada Army Guard Brig. Gen. Troy Armstrong presents Jonathan Hall with his personal ‘challenge’ coin to mark the senior Hall’s 85th birthday. Karsten Hall was promoted to Colonel on Tuesday — the same day as his father’s 85th birthday — and arranged for his promotion ceremony to be held at his parents’ house in southeast Carson City. Ruth Hall, Karsten’s mother, left, also had a front row seat to view the ceremony.</p> <p><strong>In the second photo: </strong>Surrounded by his three children, Carson City resident Karsten Hall receives his new rank insignia denoting the rank of colonel from his spouse Heather Hall during his promotion ceremony Tuesday in Carson City. Because his father cannot travel, the promotion ceremony took place on the front porch of Jonathan and Ruth Hall’s residence in Carson City at the exact address where Karsten Hall lived for the majority of his adolescent years.</p> News Tue, 04 Jun 2024 23:18:55 +0000 Jeff Munson 130999 at Kids at Carson City Computer Corps gain knowledge — and a brand new computer — during summer camp <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/kids-carson-city-computer-corps-gain-knowledge-and-brand-new-computer-during-summer" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="378" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/kids-carson-city-computer-corps-gain-knowledge-and-brand-new-computer-during-summer" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="281" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> by Kelsey Penrose </div> </div> </div> <p>For 20 years, Carson City’s Computer Corps has been teaching kids about technology: Everything from how a motherboard functions, to the mysteries of how the internet functions.</p> <p>The camp hosts three sessions throughout the summer with 16 campers in each session.</p> <p>“The purpose of the camp is to bridge the divide for kids, to make them ready for the technological world and take away the fear of computers,” said camp director Christy Ramsey.</p> <p>Throughout the two-week camp, campers will tear apart technology — literally.</p> <p>“We have them take apart everything down to the wires to find out how it runs, and try to have them build it back up,” Ramsey said.</p> <p>Learning about technology isn’t boring though, at least not at tech camp. In addition to lectures, campers learn through play, whether it’s running a relay race to explain how the internet works, to making chaotic, emergency computer “repairs,” to forming into a team to “become” a hard drive.</p> <p>The camp also teaches confidence in addition to tech.</p> <p>“Each camper will make a powerpoint presentation about a passion of theirs,” Ramsey said. “It can be anything; art, horses, sports. Then they present it to the rest of camp and explain why the other kids should love it, too. We want them to get used to speaking in front of other people, and to take the fear out of it.”</p> <p>The camp also instills something many parents care about: internet safety.</p> <p>Campers learn about everything from malware and viruses, to understanding that not everyone on the internet is who they say they are.</p> <p>“The point is to demystify technology,” Ramsey said. “There’s nothing scary in a computer once they realize it’s not a magic box.”</p> <p>The camp also helps campers achieve their future goals; since its inception, many of the Computer Corps campers have gone on to work in tech.</p> <p>“It’s a bit self-selecting though,” Ramsey said with a laugh. “If a kid wants to give up two weeks of playing outside during summer to learn about computers, they’re more likely going to end up in the tech route.”</p> <p>The cost for the two-week camp is $500, which includes the full computer system and software at the end of the program that students take home.</p> <p>Ramsey understands it can be pricey for families, however, and there are partial scholarships available.</p> <p>Computer Corps is also always looking for camp sponsors to help make sure that families who have less funds can still break through the divide.</p> <p>The camp spots are filling up quickly, with the first about 80 percent full, so families are encouraged to sign up now to reserve their spots.</p> <p>The dates for TechCamp 2024 are as follows:</p> <p>TechCamp Alpha June 17-28<br /> TechCamp Bravo July 8-19<br /> TechCamp Charlie July 29 to August 9</p> <p>Camp is Monday through Friday from 1:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m.</p> <p>The last day of camp there is a graduation dinner and a release of the computers at 5:30 p.m.</p> <p>Visit <a href="" title=""></a> to learn more about the camp and Computer Corps.</p> Community Tue, 04 Jun 2024 22:05:02 +0000 Kelsey Penrose 130994 at Foodie Favorite: Taste of Downtown Carson City returns for 30th year June 15 <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-date field-field-date"> <div class="field-label">Event Date:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <span class="date-display-single">June 15, 2024 - 5:30pm</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/foodie-favorite-taste-downtown-carson-city-returns-june-15" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="334" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/foodie-favorite-taste-downtown-carson-city-returns-june-15" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="319" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Carson City eateries will take to the streets at the center of the capital city June 15 for the 30th Taste of Downtown, a long tradition to benefit the city's shelter for domestic violence victims.</p> <p>More than two dozen restaurants, cafes and food trucks — plus two live bands — will participate in Carson City’s premier summer event, which draws thousands of hungry foodies annually to sample a variety of dishes made fresh by local dining and food establishments. <a href="" title="">Go here</a> for a list of participants.</p> <p>"It's been 30 years since we did our first Taste of Downtown and we watched it turn into the biggest community event outside of Nevada Day," said Lisa Lee, executive director of Advocates to End Domestic Violence, which has been behind the event since it began.</p> <p><a href="" title="">Taste of Downtown</a> is happening Saturday, June 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., with music continuing until 10 p.m. Two live bands will perform, Nevada 445 and Hale Mari.</p> <p>Tickets can be purchased online by <a href="" title="">clicking here</a> or <a href="" title="">here.</a> They will be available for pick up on Saturday, June 15, after 11 a.m. at the Will Call Booth, across from the state capitol. Current online price is $45 plus processing fees. This event has limited tickets for sale.</p> <p>If there are tickets available, they will be for sale the day of the event, Saturday, June 15, after 11 a.m. at the Will Call Booth, across from the state capitol. Note that all sales are final. The ticket price will increase to $50 on June 15.</p> <p>The price of tickets has not changed over the years, for one reason, Lee says.</p> <p>"Our goal is for the community to have a great night out," she said. "The Taste is something that folks can come to, enjoy the evening, run into their friends and neighbors, all worthwhile in support of what we do in the community for domestic violence victims."</p> <p><a href="" title="">Advocates to End Domestic Violence</a> is a private, not-for-profit organization, formed in 1979 by two formerly battered women who saw a need for a domestic violence program in Carson City. The agency has grown from a small two-bedroom apartment, to a full service program that operates a 51-bed shelter and provides a wide variety of services designed to protect and support battered women and their children in the community.</p> Community Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:24:37 +0000 Jeff Munson 130993 at Sierra Nevada Realtors hosts Document Destruction Days in Reno and Carson City <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-date field-field-date"> <div class="field-label">Event Date:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <span class="date-display-single">July 20, 2024 - 9:00am</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/04/2024/sierra-nevada-realtors-hosts-document-destruction-days-reno-and-carson-city" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="333" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Sierra Nevada Realtors </div> </div> </div> <p>Sierra Nevada Realtors will host free Document Destruction Days on Saturday, June 8 in Reno and Saturday, July 20 in Carson City.</p> <p>Document Destruction Days will provide locals the opportunity to safely dispose of old records, documents and personal files. </p> <p>“Our goal is to provide the community with a place to safely dispose of outdated personal and business documents and files that are cluttering their spaces and offices,” said April LaBrie, CEO of Sierra Nevada Realtors. “We started Document Destruction Days to properly dispose of private information, which ultimately gives SNR members and the public peace of mind.”</p> <p>In lieu of a box charge, Sierra Nevada Realtors is accepting monetary donations to raise funds for our new Sierra Nevada Realtors Foundation, which focuses on supporting local non-profits with micro-grants and other community initiatives with the intent to make our community stronger for all.</p> <p>Details on both events:<br /> <strong>Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m. to noon</strong><br /> Reno, 5650 Riggins Court</p> <p><strong>Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m. to noon</strong><br /> Carson City, 300 S. Curry Street</p> <p>Sierra Nevada Realtors is a Realtor association serving six northern Nevada counties including Carson City, Washoe, Lyon, Storey, Churchill, and Douglas counties. The unified Sierra Nevada Realtors is a leading voice on the residential housing market in northern Nevada and nationally, representing more than 3,700 members.</p> Business Tue, 04 Jun 2024 18:32:40 +0000 Jeff Munson 130992 at