Carson City Nevada News - Carson Now - Your one stop for Carson City news en Northern Nevada backyards and gardens: What about peonies? <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/northern-nevada-backyards-and-gardens-what-about-peonies" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="282" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-mugs"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_mugs" width="141" height="175" alt="" src="" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> By JoAnne Skelly </div> </div> </div> <p>What about peonies?” my friend Kristen asked me recently. She wanted to purchase some for her daughter’s new home. I love peonies, their look and fragrance. I tried to grow them years ago, but failed, probably because of their need for rich, fertile soil. They didn’t grow even with get six hours to eight hours of sun per day.</p> <p>I read Carson City’s Greenhouse Garden Center &amp; Gift Shop fact sheet on growing peonies <a href="" title="">here</a>. Find a spot that meets the sun and soil requirements, including a 6.5 pH. Then, dig a hole 18 inches deep and wide.</p> <p>Loosen the soil and mix in organic matter. The experts at Greenhouse Garden Center recommend adding ¼ cup of a 5-10-5 fertilizer to half of the soil and putting it in the bottom of the hole. This will keep the fertilizer a safe distance away from the crowns of the plants. Overfertilized plants will not bloom well.</p> <p>Backfill with the remaining soil until the crown of the peony is just two inches below the surface. Tamp the soil down and water immediately after planting to further settle the soil around the roots. Keep the soil slightly moist throughout the summer to ensure prolific flowers the following year.</p> <p>Greenhouse Garden Center reports that the first year after planting may not yield much in the way of growth or flowers. In fact, some growers don’t allow a plant to bloom its first year. If it does, be sure to cut the flower as soon as it fades and don’t allow it to go to seed.</p> <p>You should have twice as many flowers the second year and even more the third. Always cut blooms immediately after flowering. Some varieties take a few years to bloom. Peonies bloom best from four to 10 years old and may live 20 years or more.</p> <p>Peonies might fail to bloom if plants are young or planted too deeply. Or clumps may be old and need dividing. Competition with nearby trees and shrubs or growing in too much shade reduces flower numbers. Too much nitrogen encourages green leafy growth at the expense of blooms. Buds may be killed by late freezes or weather may be too hot. Soil may be too dry.</p> <p>Unfortunately, ground squirrels like peony buds according to another friend, Cheryl. She told me her peonies were just getting ready to bloom, when she discovered that ground squirrels had cut off all the buds. They didn’t even eat them, just chopped them off. What a waste.</p> <p>— <em>JoAnne Skelly is Associate Professor &amp; Extension Educator, Emerita, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. She can be reached at</em></p> Outdoors Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:05:07 +0000 Jeff Munson 131062 at Carson City Fire Department knock down fire at landfill <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-fire-department-respond-fire-landfill" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="375" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>UPDATE 4:50PM: The fire at the landfill has been extinguished, according to Carson City Fire Department Battalion Chief Jon Pedrini.<br /> The fire was around 100 foot by 40 foot and knocked down by firefighters and work crews at the scene. There were no threats to structures or wildland.<br /> ***<br /> Carson City Fire Department responded Sunday afternoon to a fire coming from the area of the landfill off of Highway 50 East and Flint Drive.</p> <p>At around 3:30 p.m. Carson City dispatch received 911 calls regarding smoke seen coming from the landfill. Personnel on scene report there is a fire, approximately 40 feet by 40 feet.</p> <p>Carson City fire crews are arriving and water tenders have been called to the scene.</p> <p>There have been multiple fires at the landfill over the years, sometimes happening several times a year. Personnel have stated that the main cause of fires at the landfill are from improperly disposed batteries.</p> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 22:38:24 +0000 Jeff Munson 131067 at Local neon artists make brilliant donation to KNVC Carson City community radio <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/local-neon-artists-make-brilliant-donation-knvc-carson-city-community-radio" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="323" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/local-neon-artists-make-brilliant-donation-knvc-carson-city-community-radio" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="328" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/local-neon-artists-make-brilliant-donation-knvc-carson-city-community-radio" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="358" height="400" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/local-neon-artists-make-brilliant-donation-knvc-carson-city-community-radio" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="179" height="400" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> KNVC </div> </div> </div> <p>The Color of Neon, a Reno business specializing in developing artistic neon light displays, has come to Carson City community radio KNVC and created our logo in neon.</p> <p>Ken Hines, the owner of <a href="" title="">Color of Neon</a> who has been working in neon for 42 years, created our new KNVC neon sign and donated this work to our radio station. Mr. Hines has had a 35 year business and personal relationship with our General Manager, Steve Funk, dating back to Steve’s days in radio in San Francisco.</p> <p>The new sign will hang in our foyer at the <a href="" title="">KNVC studios</a> just inside the front door so all visitors will see the bright lights of our logo as they enter the building. Color of Neon has served Reno for many years and, for 15 years, have been the artists behind the neon for the Burning Man statue that is destroyed every year at the end of the world-renowned event.</p> <p>“There is a lot of work that goes into creating and fabricating the neon for the Burning Man statue. It is tough to see so much hard work and creativity go up in flames each year, but that is the nature of the event,” said Ken Hines, owner of Color of Neon. </p> <p>"You cannot imagine how surprised we were when this was proposed to us. The final work of art in our foyer is a beautiful example of the creative use of neon that is part of our region's unique history," said KNVC General Manager, Steve Funk, "My friends, Ken Hines and Dennis McKinnon and the team at <a href="" title="">Color of Neon</a>, have gifted us with a piece that reflects the color and brightness our all-volunteer team brings to the airwaves every day at 95.1 FM. We're extremely grateful. Listen to us on-air or online for your invite to an upcoming community event where we'll have it on display."</p> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 22:22:02 +0000 Jeff Munson 131053 at Carson City Rotary Club scholarships enhance workforce education, opportunities for WNC students <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-rotary-club-scholarships-enhance-workforce-education-opportunities-wnc-" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="351" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Western Nevada College </div> </div> </div> <p>For more than 85 years, the Rotary Club of Carson City has made a difference in the community. Living by the motto of “Service over Self,” these philanthropic community volunteers have been helping others in a variety of ways, providing a meal for the homeless, tutoring children, maintaining parks, assisting the high school marching band and much more.</p> <p>That generosity and selflessness has also touched Western Nevada College students over the years. The club’s latest higher education contribution is the creation of $12,000 Workforce, Career and Technical Education scholarships.</p> <p>“The Rotary Club of Carson City wanted to start a scholarship program with WNC to help fill the gap in workforce education. Moving the workforce, especially the local workforce, up the ladder in their education which in turn will give them better and more employment opportunities,” said RCCC President Garrett Lepire.</p> <p>That foresight and benevolence aren’t lost on WNC President Dr. J. Kyle Dalpe.</p> <p>"The Rotary Club of Carson City has long made a difference at WNC and its generosity with our students has helped them become successful contributors to the region's workforce," President Dalpe said. "We are very fortunate to have community-minded organizations such as the Rotary Club supporting WNC and our students."<br /> Christopher Guerro, one of three recipients of this new scholarship funded through WNC Foundation, says that the generous gift by the Rotary Club will provide more than financial support for his education.</p> <p>“The Rotary Club Scholarship serves as more than just a financial lifeline; it's a vote of confidence that propels me toward my academic goals,” Guerro said. “Beyond textbooks and tuition, it opens doors to experiences that shape a well-rounded education, fostering skills and perspectives that extend far beyond the classroom.”</p> <p>Ideally, Lepire says college scholarships help groom the next wave of community-minded volunteers.</p> <p>“We want our recipients to embody the spirit of Rotary which is ‘Service Above Self,’” he said. “Students that are taking the time to improve their skill sets to give themselves better opportunities in life will eventually find themselves in a position to give back and keep repeating the cycle of helping one another.”</p> <p>WNC Foundation Executive Director Niki Gladys said the Rotary Club realizes the importance of developing more skilled individuals to meet an evolving workforce.</p> <p>“The establishment of this scholarship by the Rotary Club of Carson City reflects their commitment to shaping a workforce that is not only skilled and knowledgeable but also poised to contribute significantly to the continued success and development of our community,” Gladys said. “The members of this club recognize the growing importance in developing the workforce in Northern Nevada to meet the demands of a dynamic job market. The club desires to support the development of a skilled workforce that aligns with the evolving needs of industries within the region.”</p> <p>To learn more about the Rotary Club, visit</p> <p><strong>In the photo:</strong> Western Nevada College Child Development Center Director Anna Lisa Acosta-Rogers (right) gave a presentation about the CDC to the Carson City Rotary Club in 2023. Seated next to Anna Lisa is WNC Chief Financial Officer Coral Lopez.</p> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 20:04:05 +0000 Jeff Munson 131052 at Plumas Bank hires new Reno business development officer Kara Harris <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/plumas-bank-hires-new-reno-business-development-officer-kara-harris" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="312" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Press release </div> </div> </div> <p>Plumas Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp, announces a new addition to its team; Kara Harris joined the Reno branch as Plumas Bank’s Vice President and Business Development Officer. In this role, Harris is responsible for spearheading strategy to enhance business growth, foster client relationships, and expand Plumas Bank’s market presence in northern Nevada and the Sierra region.</p> <p>Harris brings over 20 years of experience building and maintaining client relationships, with impressive work in the hospitality, economic development, and banking industries. She is especially passionate about workforce development and engaging the Reno community as well as surrounding rural communities. </p> <p>“Joining the Plumas team was an easy decision for me,” said Harris. “To be part of a company that is so committed to client relationships and growing successful businesses is a priority for me. It is meaningful to be part of a local organization that is willing to problem-solve for clients and treat each relationship as equally important.”</p> <p>Harris is a fourth-generation Nevadan and enjoys serving her community. She serves on the boards of Nevada Women’s Fund; NevadaWorks; and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Nevada. Harris is also board chair for the Washoe County Honorary Deputy Sheriff's Association. Harris has an extensive background in volunteerism, participating in Girls On the Run for six years, among other organizations. </p> <p>“Kara's expertise in relationship management and her proven track record of driving growth make her an invaluable addition to our team,” said Jack Prescott, Senior Vice President and Commercial Lending Manager at <a href="" title="">Plumas Bank. </a>“Her strategic mindset and ability to build strong client relationships will be an asset to our clients. We are thrilled to welcome Kara and look forward to her innovative contributions.”</p> <p>Harris graduated from Reed High School and the University of Nevada, Reno. Outside of work, Harris and her husband, Ben, love to spend time with their five children, garden in their backyard alongside their eight chickens, and attend their children’s sporting events.</p> Business Sun, 09 Jun 2024 19:48:40 +0000 Jeff Munson 131056 at Carson City emergency crews called to vehicle fire at Lompa and Dori; rollover on I-580 and Eastlake <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><p>Carson City Fire Department and sheriff's deputies were called Sunday at around noon to a vehicle fire in the area of Dori Way and Lompa Lane.</p> <p>According to first responders on scene, the pickup was fully involved with flames when firefighters arrived at around 12:02 p.m. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.</p> <p>Motorists can expect delays.</p> <p>Elsewhere, Nevada State Police, Carson City Fire Department sheriff's deputies were called Sunday to a vehicle rollover in the area of I-580 and Eastlake Boulevard.</p> <p>The call came into dispatch at around 11:54 a.m. reporting a single vehicle rollover. Injuries are unknown at this time. Motorists can expect delays.</p> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 19:08:28 +0000 Jeff Munson 131055 at Carson City Sheriff's Office seeks identity of suspects in attempted burglary <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-sheriffs-office-seeks-identity-burglary-suspects" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="337" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-sheriffs-office-seeks-identity-burglary-suspects" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="360" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-sheriffs-office-seeks-identity-burglary-suspects" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="291" /></a> </div> </div> </div> Carson City Sheriff's Office Investigations have released a video of an attempted residential burglary that happened June 2. Detectives seek the identity of the suspects.<!--break--> <p> The video below and the photos above shows two men attempting to break into a residence in the 2500 block of Century Drive. <p> Anyone with information, please contact the Carson City Sheriff’s Office, Investigation Division, Detective Sam Hatley (775) 283-7852, Dispatch (775) 887-2007 or Secret Witness at (775) 322-4900. Refer to Case No. Case 24-3368. <p> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 17:48:13 +0000 Jeff Munson 131054 at Annual Pops Party concert happening today at Governor's Mansion in Carson City <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-date field-field-date"> <div class="field-label">Event Date:&nbsp;</div> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <span class="date-display-single">June 9, 2024 - 6:00pm</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/05/27/2024/annual-pops-party-concert-governors-mansion-carson-city-happening-june-9" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="500" height="334" /></a> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <a href="/story/05/27/2024/annual-pops-party-concert-governors-mansion-carson-city-happening-june-9" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="400" height="400" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> By Elinor Bugli </div> </div> </div> <p>The Carson City Symphony's annual Pops Party concert is today, Sunday, June 9, 2024, 6 p.m. at the Governor's Mansion back lawn, 606 Mountain Street, Carson City. The grounds will be open to the public at 5 p.m. Admission is free.</p> <p>The Carson City Symphony, directed by David Bugli and assistant director Brian Fox, will be joined on the program by the Carson Chamber Singers directed by Gary Schwartz and guest singer Cherie Shipley.</p> <p>Music Director Bugli said, "The Pops Party Concerts are a tradition going back to 1984. We bring popular favorites and fresh material to each edition." The program includes tunes from Broadway shows, marches, a Glenn Miller Medley arranged for orchestra and chorus, and more.</p> <p>Seating is on the lawn. The audience is invited to bring blankets or lawn chairs. Parking is on the street. No firearms are allowed on the premises. In case of rain, the concert will be moved to an indoor location.</p> <p>This free concert is funded in part by grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, the Carson City Cultural Commission, and by private donations. For more information, call the Symphony at 775-883-4154 or check the web site <a href="" title=""></a></p> Arts and Entertainment Sun, 09 Jun 2024 16:31:03 +0000 Jeff Munson 130873 at Late spring sunset over Carson City <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-calendar_slide imagecache-default imagecache-calendar_slide_default" width="180" height="120" /> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-calendar_slide imagecache-default imagecache-calendar_slide_default" width="180" height="61" /> </div> <div class="field-item odd"> <img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-calendar_slide imagecache-default imagecache-calendar_slide_default" width="180" height="94" /> </div> <div class="field-item even"> <img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-calendar_slide imagecache-default imagecache-calendar_slide_default" width="180" height="270" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-text field-field-byline"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Photography by Edward Howell </div> </div> </div> <p>Beautiful color over Carson City from a late spring sunset taken Wednesday, June 5.</p> Outdoors Sun, 09 Jun 2024 16:12:00 +0000 131022 at Carson City area road report for week of June 10-16 <div class="fb-social-like-widget"><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="350" action="like" font="arial" colorscheme="light"></fb:like></div><div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-images"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/story/06/09/2024/carson-city-area-road-report-week-june-10-16" class="imagecache imagecache-galleryformatter_slide imagecache-linked imagecache-galleryformatter_slide_linked"><img src="" alt="" title="" width="478" height="263" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Here is the Carson City area road report for the week of June 10-16, 2024. Closures are expected at the following locations due to road and utility work:</p> <p>— 2nd Street between Carson Street and Curry Street will be closed to westbound traffic from April 8, 2024 to June 30, 2025 for construction.</p> <p><strong>Lane restrictions are expected at the following locations due to road/utility work:</strong></p> <p>— 5th Street between Hells Bells Road and Marsh Road will be closed to westbound traffic from Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. Eastbound traffic will have flagger control from Tuesday through Tuesday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.</p> <p>— Curry Street between Adams Street and Park Street will be reduced to a single lane from June 3, 2024, to June 21, 2024, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.</p> <p>— King Street between Carville Circle and Albany Avenue will have reduced lanes on Monday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.</p> <p>— Musser Street between Plaza Street and Stewart Street will have reduced lanes from Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 4:30 pm.</p> <p>— Robinson Street between Valley Street and Roop Street will have reduced lanes from Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 4:30 pm.</p> <p>— William Street between Roop Street and Saliman Road will have shoulder work on the eastbound side of the street. There will be narrow lanes near Seely Loop from Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. Use caution. The bike path will be closed and trucks will be entering and exiting the roadway from Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.</p> <p>— Winnie Lane between Mountain Street and Carson Street will have shoulder work on the south side of Winnie Lane from Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. No street parking on both the North and south side of Winnie Lane due to lane shifts.</p> <p>Elsewhere, beginning Monday, June 10, drivers will see extensive lane reductions as the Nevada Department of Transportation launches major construction as part of a continuing highway improvement project to reconstruct U.S. 395 through downtown Gardnerville.</p> <p>Since last fall, drivers have seen single lane closures and lane shifts on small sections of U.S. 395 between First Street and Waterloo Lane for preliminary highway drainage, sidewalk and curb and gutter improvements. The majority of lane closures were short in length, with moderate travel delays.</p> <p>Beginning June 10, more extensive lane reductions will take place as crews launch major highway reconstruction. Just under two miles of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street in Gardnerville will be completely reconstructed and repaved.</p> <p>Drivers should anticipate the following construction on sections of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street spring through September 2024.</p> <p>Sections of U.S. 395 between Waterloo Lane and First Street in Gardnerville will be reduced to one lane in each direction during major construction.</p> <p>Drivers should anticipate shifting traffic control and 24/7 travel delays through the work zone as semi-permanent barriers are placed in work areas for driver and worker safety.</p> <p>At least one lane in each direction and one access to each business will remain available during construction.</p> <p>Access will be maintained, but may include metal plates over driveways. NDOT encourages the community to support local businesses during construction. Alternate routes are advised for those traveling through without a planned destination in the work zone.</p> <p>Left-hand turns and travel across intersections will periodically be prohibited as intersections are reconstructed and new road surface placed.</p> <p>Expect reduced speeds through the work zone and provide extra time to reach destinations.</p> News Sun, 09 Jun 2024 14:50:36 +0000 Jeff Munson 131051 at